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that cute 18yr Blond boy back
Im on the phone to one of my mates organising a sex party
None of the lads in this video are 'Porn Stars' They are all REAL guys from my
mates 🅱️🅱️ WhatsApp Group 📱
My mate Scott is a complete sex addict and his got at the sleaziest lads on his
250+ list !
After ringing 📞 him to sort out some cock for this cute lad
We get over a big group - about 5 turn up in total -
Remember these are REAL guys - BUT they are SO FUCKING SLEAZY 😈
It turned into a Big Crazy Orgy - I end up coming in someone I shouldn’t HAHA
(he said he was a top and had a big dick but I shagged him anyway and he LOVED
it mate!)
✔️ NO RACE or Size refused
✔️ NO Face Needed to be shown!
✔️ Can join us for a LONG session
✔️ Or Fuck N GO! The quicker you squirt your load in our arse the better
THIS BOY SAID TO ME "The older the guys we can get 4 the next orgy the better
cos older guys ALWAY LEAVE THERE LOAS UP MY ARSE and they cum 💦 so
Im not making this up.... This is what he said to me LOL - WE fucking 💚 this boy!!
📍 WE R not joking - Message us 📩 and you can fuck him too -
Just send us a message and we will get back to you,
If you have messaged before & not got a reply then pls message again as I lost
access to that old login -
📬 we genuinely will meet with you (yes we need to ask for ya ID N stuff but only
cos u gotta be older then 18, other then that there is NO UPPER AGE LIMIT to film)
the older the better - (as long as ya can still get hard)
BTW - My 18yr Manchester mate hasn’t got a twitter otherwise I would tell you how
you can find him